Well, my friend, several in all probability bear in mind the foremost thickly-armored WW2 tanks being significant tanks like the Tiger two or the IS-2, and even a lot of thickly armored the Jagdtiger armored vehicle. However, what you might’ve forgotten the six vehicles engineered by the British referred to as the A39 turtle.
This tank was made close to the tip of the war to counter the munition. And on philosophy, this tank would wish to be very heavily armored and have a very hard-hitting gun. it had been slow (19 km/h on-road), very significant (80 tons), and equipped with a robust 32-pounder gun (94 mm).
Notably, the armor of this vehicle was very thick. The front of this vehicle was a large base 228 millimeters thick. With the slope accounted for, most frontal armors were over three hundred millimeters (some even head to 500).
Compared, the casemate of the Jagdtiger was solely frontally 255 millimeters (due to its lack of slope), and also the hull was solely two hundred millimeters.
Due to this insane quantity of armor, this tank was conjointly very significant and so very slow. This conjointly evidenced to be a heavy issue once attempting to move it.
Trials showed it had been automatically reliable with AN correct and robust gun (which penetrated the frontal armor of a Pzkpfw V Panther at nearly a thousand m).
However, solely half dozen were engineered before the tip of the war and left them with no role to serve once the introduction of sunshine anti-tank weapons (such because the RPG and such).