The F-22 bird of prey and Eurofighter storm were tested against one another in combat simulations exploitation the $64000 craft, pilots while not real missiles or alternative armaments.
The uniqueness of the F-22 conceded by European pilots was its extremely capable concealment technologies and its ability to identify and target enemy craft before it appeared on their microwave radar.
A German pilot said: “even if our planes did everything right, we tend to weren’t able to get inside twenty miles of the F-22 before being targeted”.
However in shut combat (one on dogfights) the F-22 apparently has no specific advantage over its European counterpart and in some cases the storm even scored kill shots, celebrating this as seen within the image below of the silhouette of the associate F-22 on the Eurofighter.
It should be noted, however, that while not the ROE (Rules of Engagement) set down these outcomes might not necessarily be the case in a very realistic scenario.
However, in a very real situation, it’s extremely unlikely that the 2 would ever inherit a WVR dogfight because the F-22 would’ve capitalized on its advantage of having the ability to notice and destroy air targets before being noticed itself in BVR combat.
Not that this 2 craft would ever truly be used against each other.