The Oldest Caves Ever Found In India.
Barabar Hill Caves square measure the oldest living rock-cut caves in an Asian country, qualitative analysis from the Maurya Empire (322–185 BCE), placed within the Makhdumpur region of Jehanabad district, Bihar, India,
The caves square measure a collection of seven rock-cut caves placed on the dual hills of Barabar and Nagarjuna. they’re lapidarian out of granite and have 2 chambers every beside an extremely polished surface and with wonderful echo effects.
Some caves have inscriptions, the inscription within the Sudama cave informs that the four caves on Barabar hill were allotted by King Ashoka to Ajivika monks in 261 before Christ, another inscription on the Nagarjuna hill is from his grandchild Dasaratha Maurya, that tells that the Ajivikas continuing to relish imperial Mauryan patronage for long.
Ajivikas thrived underneath the patronage of the Mauryan kings however saw a pointy fall subsequently. the explanations for the downfall of the sect square measure unknown however when they were gone, the caves were occupied by Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus.