The F-16, just like the different ’teen series’ United States jets, carries AN M61A1 Roman deity rotary cannon with half a dozen barrels.
It fires twenty-millimeter rounds of either armor-piercing or explosive kind, or a dance orchestra spherical, designed to destroy different planes.
The high rate of the fireplace (up to 6000 rounds /min) and also the explosive rounds create short work of any craft within the line of the fireplace.
The reason the F-35 includes a 4-barrel twenty-five-millimeter gun is that it improves on the punch delivered by one spherical — largely as a result of augmented performance against ground targets — and quicker acceleration to gamma-hydroxybutyrate rate of fireplace. it’s in some ways a rather higher gun, however, the initial Roman deity is dead smart for the task, too.
So technically it’s not known as a machine gun, it doesn’t fireplace bullets, and it’s terribly effective.